12Mar, 2020
INCURABLE DISEASE Parotiditis, ANA Positive, Epilepsy, Miss.S.Luhana, 33 years/F, Vadodara (Jan-2019)
A 33 yrs female presented with c/o pain in both chicks, with swollen salivary gland, pain at ear and backside of head since 1 yr with dryness+++ of mouth-No saliva, Dizziness on & off, pimples on face, chest, easily affected by cold, H/O epileptic attack in July 2018. In CECT B/L parotid glands and submandibular glands are enlarged and shows heterogenous areas of fatty infiltration, calcification noted. In biopsy report parotid, B/L lymphoepithelial sialaderitis (LESA) which is complicated and incurable , She is taken allopathic treatment but not relieved and […]