COMPLICATED CASES (THREE PATIENTS IN ONE FAMILY) 1) A CASE OF SEVERE DEPRESSION, OVARIAN CYST, INSOMNIA, , Pre Menopausal syndrome, Hair fall, over thinking MRS.D.GAJJAR, 45 YRS/F 2) CASE OF HYPERTENSION, MR.A.GAJJAR, 48 YRS/M, 3) Gastritis, Severe Acidity with Gas, Obesity, Mr.J.Gajjar, 22 Years/M, Vadodara
1) A 45 years old female having a c/o Mood swings, Severe Hair fall, weakness, irregular menses with heavy flow, Headache with vertigo, constipation with poor digestion, she is taking allopathic treatment from many famous Doctor after that she came here at Dr.Ghanshyam Homeo Clinic and starts homeopathic treatment and she is feeling better in depression and in over thinking she is improving, constipation better, no headache, no vertigo, digestion improved, hair fall decreased, in mood swings she is feeling relaxed.
2) This businessman came before 3 months for hypertension and obesity problem.
His gastric disturbances also were troubling him in his day to day activities and could not concentrate properly in his daily routine. Self help was also required in this case, so diet and exercises were advised of which he was not quite regular in following. But with some effort from his side and our medications, within 3 months we could help him stop his allopathic hypertension medicines. There are much changes physically and is doing much better now.
3) A 22 years old male having a c/o retrosternal burning since 1 month. He can not eat properly due to burning. severe Gas+++, eructation present, Dry coughing present sensation as if something inside throat but can not out, mild headache, taken allopathic as well as Ayurvedic treatment but not relieved after that he came here at Dr.Ghanshyam Homeo Clinic and starts homeopathic treatment within a short period of time his all gastric complaints gone and he is feeling much better.